Woodlandia history
Making history is in progress...
LogRipper-300 has been released and went through 3 month testing.
Scragger-RS2 has been shipped to a client in USA.
LogRipper-200XP has been released.
LTPS-300 is shipped to a client in USA.
Log Feeding System LFS-15 has been released.
LogRipper-200X has been released.
LTPS-300 is being made.
Scragger-4 has been shipped to a client in Canada.
"Core" sawmill has been shipped to a client in Canada.
Continuing to improve LogRipper-200 series.
TN-1 is shipped to a client in USA.
LTPS-300 is being designed.
Design of LogRipper-300 is started.
LogRipper-200 have been sent to a client in North America.
1st LTPS-150XP has been shipped to USA.
1st LL-700 is in Canada.
Continuing improivement of CLP machine.
Development of log-mortising machine with 2 cutter heads.
Development of notching machine TN-1 to make log-trusses.
LogRipper-160 has been sent to Thailand & USA.
Development of new generation LTPS-150XP sawmill.
Evolution of LogRipper-160 resulted in new models: LogRipper-160X and LogRipper-200.
Development of Log-Drilling machine.
LogRipper-160 is developed.
New models of Log Lathes are available: LL-41.600, LL-700, LL-123.
1st LTPS-150ME delivered to Australia. Watch the video.
Development of new sawmill of LogRipper-series for a saw-milling industry
1st LL-41.600 has been released.
We migrate more and more into saw-milling industry;
We work on economical version of Chambers Log Peeler (CLP-2 model).
We started to extend our RoundMaster (Log Lathe) product line with few new models (please inquire).
We suppport ILBA!
We made a prototype of the log peeler CLP-1 a first machine in the world emulating hand-peeling style.
We made and delivered first log rounders LR-320 and LR-160S to our clients in North America.
We suppport ILBA!
First RoundMaster system has been shipped to New Zeland.
First RLM-320MF has been shipped to USA.
Woodlandia started to work on the design and prototyping of the Log Peeler CLP-1, the log peeling machine emulating handrafted style of log peeling used by traditional log home builders.
We do R&D to bring to the market new generation Log Home systems. We want to make a revolution in the industry!
Woodlandia introduces new products LTPS-150ME. The difference between 150ME and 150E is that ME model does not "produce" slabs.
First MultiLog system based on RLM-machine has been shipped to Canada.
Woodlandia started to work on the design of next generation log lathe.
Woodlandia modernized LJ-1 machine. Improved LJ-1M is now log through-pass type of machine.
Woodlandia participates in LIGNA (European tradeshow).
We support ILBA!
Woodlandia shipped first MultiLog line based on RLM-320 machine to EU.
First LTPS-150 machine is shipped to EU.
First RLM-160S machine is shipped to EU.
We support ILBA-TFG!
First RoundMaster line has been shipped to Lac Seul First Nation and installed in Frenchman Head.
First LL-41 is in Austria.
We support ILBA!
Woodlandia introduces new product LTPS-150. These One-Pass-And-Done Sawmills are intended for rip-sawing of small diameter hardwood & softwood stems into dimensional lumber or custom boards.
Woodlandia continues to improve "LogWorksDesigner" software. Version 6.3 of the software has been released. The new version supports Imperial system, now North American log home builders can use feet and inches in the software and shop drawings.
First RoundMaster system has been shipped to Australia.
First RLM-machine has been shipped to Canada.
Woodlandia introduces new software "LogWorksDesigner" intended for 3D design and engineering documentation generation, helping in manufacturing and assembling of milled log homes.
We continue to learn about our customers and their needs, we increase our efforts to promote solutions for efficient log home building among loggers and saw-millers of Canada and USA.
First RoundMaster line has been shipped to Western Europe.
First dozen of log lathes have been shipped to customers in Canada and USA.
Woodlandia extends product line bringing to the World's market high-productive RLM log molders.
Woodlandia partnering with Arunda-Patrick Burli (Switzerland) to bring to North American log home builders wonderful Arunda's dovetail tenoner.
Woodlandia becomes a member of International Log Builder's Association.
Woodlandia continuing to modernize machines and improve quality of workmanship.
In July 2007 First Woodlandia log lathe arrived in Canada for testing and improvements. Since October we started marketing campaign in North America.
Research and design. Searching for reliable production factory to contract manufacturing of first Woodlandia log lathe.
Two Canadians started developing an idea to bring cost-efficient log lathe to wide numbers of North American log home builders. The project has been named “Woodlandia”. Learning the market, negotiating, understanding of the requirements for the industry and expectations of log home builders were a primary goals for the year.